৯ম শ্রেণির ১৭তম সপ্তাহের ইংরেজি অ্যাসাইনমেন্টের সমাধান (Class 9 17th week English assignment solution) - আস্ক পড়ুয়া
0 পছন্দ 0 জনের অপছন্দ
217 বার প্রদর্শিত
"ইংরেজি ১ম" বিভাগে করেছেন (2.2k পয়েন্ট)

1 উত্তর

0 পছন্দ 0 জনের অপছন্দ
করেছেন (2.2k পয়েন্ট)
Bangladesh, a small country, is overwhelmingly burdened with a huge population. Often this population becomes a barrier for any development effort. However, to reach our country to the level of the developed countries, it is crucial to turn our population into a skilled workforce. Accordingly, we need to take some steps in this regard. Some of them are briefly discussed in the following.

Providing education to all – The first and foremost step to turn the unskilled people into the skilled workforce should be providing education to all extensively. In fact, education is the doorway through which one can find the opportunities to bring about positive changes. Without education, making a skilled workforce cannot be thought of.

Giving importance to vocational training – It is verified that in a third world country like ours, people having vocational training can contribute to the economy more than those having general education. Therefore, it is imperative to give importance to vocational training. A well-established setup is mandatory in this regard.

Making people skilled in English, the global language – It must be acknowledged that one cannot be fully skilled if one does not have command in English. In today’s globalizing world, there is a great demand for skilled workers in developed countries. But regrettably, though we have the ability to provide workers to them, sometimes we become unable in the regard only due to the workers’ lack of English skill.

Providing ICT training – Becoming knowledgeable about ICT has now been inseparable. As today’s world is ICT-based, no general talent can be fulfilled without knowledge of computers and related things. Hence, our population, particularly the young ones, should be imparted ICT training for building a skilled workforce.

Providing the female population with equal opportunity – Women are, undesirably, still denied their various rights such as in respect to education, employment, and even in familial affairs. They are also lagging behind to avail the opportunity of being a part of the skilled workforce of the country. So, there is no alternative to providing our female population with all the opportunities in the respective fields.

Once the people of the country become skilled in various professions, there will be no looking back for us to be a developed nation. A skilled workforce is such an asset that it directly impacts positively on the economy of the country. The pace of the economy then becomes at such a level that can make the country stand beside the first world countries.

সম্পর্কিত প্রশ্নগুচ্ছ

0 পছন্দ 0 জনের অপছন্দ
1 উত্তর 238 বার প্রদর্শিত
0 পছন্দ 0 জনের অপছন্দ
1 উত্তর 329 বার প্রদর্শিত
0 পছন্দ 0 জনের অপছন্দ
1 উত্তর 253 বার প্রদর্শিত
0 পছন্দ 0 জনের অপছন্দ
0 টি উত্তর 253 বার প্রদর্শিত
0 পছন্দ 0 জনের অপছন্দ
1 উত্তর 508 বার প্রদর্শিত
"আস্ক পড়ুয়ায় স্বাগতম" আস্কপড়ুয়া একটি জ্ঞানমূলক ওয়েবসাইট।এর মূল উদ্দেশ্য হচ্ছে জ্ঞানের আলোকে ছড়িয়ে দেওয়া।এই কমিউনিটি তে যারা যুক্ত তারা জ্ঞানার্জনে উন্মুখ।যেকোনো বিষয় সম্পর্কে সঠিক তথ্য প্রদানে পড়ুয়া বোর্ড সহযোগিতা প্রদানে তৎপর।

1.4k টি প্রশ্ন

1.7k টি উত্তর

1.4k টি মন্তব্য

4.9k জন সদস্য
